How to Remove Red Wine From Carpet
Salt method can be a suitable carpet care choice if the stain is still wet. First, you need to soak up the excess wine with a dry towel. Spread a salt layer over the stain, and allow it to sit on the carpet for a few hours. The salt will turn to pink as it absorbs the wine. Use a spoon to scrape the layer from the carpet, and vacuum the carpet to remove the remaining salt.
Soda Water
This is appropriate for dry red wine stains. Wet the stain with the soda water, and soak up the soda with a towel. The stain will disappear.
Vinegar Solution
Start by soaking up any excess wine from the carpet with a towel. Soak a clean towel with the solution, and work the solution into the stain. Complete the process by blotting the stained area.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Prepare a solution of hydrogen peroxide, washing-up liquid, and soap in equal proportions. Wet the stain with the mixture, and let it soak for a few minutes. Using a clean towel, soak up the stain until it disappears.
• Blot any wet stain before applying the stain cleaner.
• Avoid using dirty towels when blotting the stains to avoid staining the carpet further.
• To avoid spreading the stain, blot from the center.
• Be sure to test the stain cleaner before use. Some cleaners are not good for carpet care because they cause bleaching.